You create justice.
People like you are at the heart of the Public Justice Center. When you make a gift, call your legislators, and volunteer your time, you invest in effective social justice advocacy for people to earn enough to feed their families; have stable, affordable homes; and access quality health care.
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Join the Lawyers’ Alliance and raise awareness and money for the Public Justice Center.
Share your legal skills through our Litigation Partnership.
Members of the Lawyers’ Alliance for the Public Justice Center are private or public interest attorneys, corporate counsel, and law students, some of whom are members of the Board of Directors. They act as ambassadors for the PJC within their own firms or organizations, within the bar at large, and support the PJC’s mission in a variety of ways. To learn more, contact Robin McNulty by email or at (410) 625-9409 x278.
Monica Basche, Esq. – Co-chair
Brown, Goldstein & Levy LLP
J. Michael Pardoe, Esq. – Co-chair
Cole Schotz, P.C.
James D. Bragdon, Esq.
Gallagher Evelius & Jones, LLP
Hannah Cole-Chu, Esq.
Outten & Golden LLP
Michael Collins, Esq.
Ice Miller LLP
Neel Lalchandani, Esq.
Brown, Goldstein & Levy LLP
Emily Levy, Esq.
Gallagher Evelius & Jones, LLP
Anamika Moore, Esq.
Saul Ewing LLP
Thomas Pacheco, Esq.
Milberg Coleman Bryson Phillips Grossman, LLC
Lelia Parker, Esq.
Gilbert LLP
Aniko R. Schwarcz, Esq.
Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC
Kevin Sullivan, Esq.
Salsbury Sullivan, LLC
Lauren Harrison Williams, Esq.
Venable LLP
Catherine Woolley, Esq.
Wright, Constable & Skeen, LLP
Members of the Lawyers’ Alliance for the Public Justice Center are private or public interest attorneys, corporate counsel, and law students, some of whom are members of the Board of Directors. They act as ambassadors for the PJC within their own firms or organizations, within the bar at large, and support the PJC’s mission in a variety of ways. To learn more, contact Kathleen Gregory by email or call (410) 625-9409 x239.
The Public Justice Center values the time and resources that the members of the private bar contribute to expanding our capacity for litigation and other advocacy. As members of our Litigation Partnership, individual attorneys and law firms provide assistance on specific PJC projects, whether by serving as co-counsel or by offering consultation or networking. If you or your firm is interested in serving on the PJC Litigation Partnership, please contact Legal Director Debra Gardner by email or call (410) 625-9409 x228.
The Public Justice Center welcomes volunteers whose interests, abilities, and availability match with staff needs. To be considered for volunteering, please send a resume and letter explaining your interest, abilities, and availability to Maria Roumiantseva by email.